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Harvey Drayton
Phone: 732-247-2618

My artistic ability, I owe first to God and to my mother. Although my mother did not have the time to practice her artistic gift, she had to work to take care of us both. This was during the depression years. Housework was just about the only type of work, that an Afro-American woman could get. To me she was the greatest of mothers. Although she passed away many years ago, I thank God for her , one parent raising of, one Harvey Drayton.

Me, I began drawing when I was about 10 yrs. of age. When i was seventeen, I volunteered to join the U.S. Army. around 1945, after World War II was over. After I was discharged, my mother and I moved from Gary, Indiana to New Jersey. It was then that I really began to paint. Some of my work was exhibited in various studies here in New Jersey. I am not a" famous artist, " maybe someday. But although I am not famous, I will continue to practice the gift God has given me.

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