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Mike Betschart
Location: Cashion, OK
Phone: 405-397-6111 or 405-433-2273
Email: mike.betschart@yahoo.com
Website: www.mikebetschartart.com

Since early in Mike’s youth he has had a desire to draw and paint his favorite subjects. Those who know him extremely well are aware of the polymath level of interests he has, but western or wildlife themes have to this point, been the primary representations in his work. Mostly a self taught artist, Mike takes advantage of the opportunities in his daily work life, to assist him in capturing on canvas, some of the animals and people of the modern livestock industry. As a cattle buyer for over twenty five years Mike’s artwork has been mostly marketed through his relationships and acquaintances across the country in the cattle business.

“Some of the pieces I have done you can’t fully appreciate unless you have experienced what we do in the livestock business. When a cattleman or cattle woman buys something or compliments my work I know I’m passing the test, but this past year I feel a strong call to expand the diversity of my work. “

Mike’s work is primarily oils or pencil but occasionally he works with gouache and watercolor. Please contact Mike by phone or Email concerning prints, originals and prices.

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