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Jan Christopher Porinchak
Location: Kings Park, NY Phone: 631-754-3019 Email: beachtowel1@verizon.net
"Jan Christopher Porinchak earned a Bachelor of Fine Art from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, and a Masters of Fine Art from C.W. Post. He comes from a family of artists and art educators, and is himself an art
teacher on Long Island. Jan's powers of observation are keen. As a freelance scientific illustrator who is a member of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, he is often called upon to render natural history subjects
with the accuracy and detail required by scientific publications. Some of his clients include New York Sea Grant,
Cornell Cooperative Extension, Institute for Ecosystems Studies, Regional Plan Association, and New York State
Parks. Jan is accomplished in the use of Acrylic, pen and ink, and often combines these techniques with
digital media to meet the needs of his clients.
A native Long Islander, Jan is an avid naturalist. He enjoys fishing, hiking and running. He is a volunteer
hike leader for Sierra Club, and a volunteer trail maintainer for the Greenbelt Trail Conference.
Artists Statement: "I'm especially excited to be given opportunities to create artwork which is used to educate the
public about our amazing natural world. I'm dedicated to bringing the concepts and vision of my clients
to life through my artwork."
PO Box 2190 - St. James, NY 11780 - 631.862.2808 - 1.800.981.2808
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