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David Larkins
Location: Monroe,MI.
Phone: 734-242-0845
Email: larko@chartermi.net

I am a native of the historical town of Monroe, Michigan. I was born here in 1955 and began my artistic career at the age of seven by taking private painting lessons from a local art teacher, Mr. Bob Kutcher. After exhibiting in several juried art shows, I received my first ''Best of Show'' at the age of sixteen. My formal education, after completion of high school, was under the guidance of Ted Vassar and Gary Wilson, Art Professors at Monroe County Community College; I acquired a Bachelor of Industrial Management degree, Magna Cum Laude, from Baker College in Flint, Michigan.

Collectors of my original work and prints reside throughout the United States, Japan and Europe. My paintings have been shown in two solo exhibitions in Michigan, along with a National Realism show in Toledo, Ohio and also received two awards in ''The Artist's Magazine'' 2002 Best of Art, competition. In 2003, the National Watercolor Society awarded me Signature Membership status, a very prestigious achievement which allows me to use the initials ''NWS'' after my name when signing my paintings. The Jury of Selection also chose one of my paintings to be included in the 83rd Annual Exhibition of the National Watercolor Society which took place October to December, 2003, in Brea, California. ''The Artist's Magazine'' published a feature article about my work, ''Choosing a Media'', in the October 2004 issue. I also Placed 3rd in painting at the 41st Crosby Gardens Festival of the Arts, June 2006, 1st place at the Holiday Fine Art Fair 2006, presented by the Ann Arbor Artists Guild and Toledo Museum of Art Toledo Area Artists Show May 20007 I am currently represented by 20 North Gallery, Toledo, Ohio, The American Galley, Sylvania Ohio and 440 Trend Gallery, Monroe, Michigan where I have several public exhibits of my work throughout the year.

I am currently painting personal choice projects and commission work in my studio in Monroe, Michigan. The subject content varies amongst images of the gorgeous states of Michigan and Maine, but also includes character building abstract adventures. My web site continues to provide great exposure and communication with the world of art appreciators. You may browse through a sampling of my paintings and prints via http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/d/davidlarkins/

The luminosity and transparencies found in watercolor and acrylic mediums have always intrigued me. I believe an artist must experience the painting absorb the surroundings, the atmosphere, completely connect with the subject matter before the first brush stroke is applied. My style is described as ''Abstract Realism'' and my strength is found in the composition. I'm drawn to diverse subject matter that challenges the viewer to see abstraction in the ordinary to meld the ''real'' world with the ''abstract''. Although art is personal and subjective and speaks to everyone on an individual basis, I consider it my role to introduce the viewer to different levels of awareness and appreciation.

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