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Carolyn K. Williams
Location: Rockford, IL
Phone: 815 -637 -8897
Email: carolyn4greatart@aol.com

Carolyn K. Williams is from Rockford, Illinois. The second oldest daughter in a family of eight children has one brother who is the oldest sibling. Her dad, Thomas Everett Steward a Jazz lover and strong disciplinarian didn’t spare the rod: Her loving, beautiful mother, Novella Harper, passed away in 1997. Both parents worked, and expected help from the children which gave Carolyn the opportunity to start working outside of home early; she bought things that were shared with her sisters. She also had the challenge to try and outwit the older brother who took advantage of his sisters by assigning them his chores. Being from such a close-knit family helped shape her compassion toward others.

Carolyn has always loved and appreciated Art and started painting in 2002. She was inspired by a picture that her younger sister, Mechole Black, described as part of a liquidation sale. When they went back for the picture it was sold, that is when Carolyn made her first attempt to paint an abstract design of A Three Man Jazz Band, acrylics on canvas. The outcome was praised by her husband Tommy Williams who stated that he didn’t know he was married to an Artist. Other family members, Church family, co-workers and strangers alike encouraged her to continue painting and she has been painting ever since.

In 2005 she opened ''Great Art 4 You'', where she creates art, and changes it as requested by others. Her best seller, ''Lady in the Red Dress'' has been requested as is, or recreated to wear a blue dress, a white dress, a sheer dress and several other variations.

Carolyn is blessed with a God given talent that allows her to express herself through art. Her impressions of family, church, southern culture expressed in mid-western upbringing, is passionately painted on canvas in colors that impress, celebrate, and inspire tradition and value that reflect the life she lives. Her greatest reward is to share her passion with others.

Her work is currently displayed on two websites, www.artpixstudio.com or www.artexchange.com Contact Carolyn as indicated above for more information.

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