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Bonnie Ramsey Perinn
Location: Winnemucca, NV
Phone: 775-625-3615
Email: crazy4u@the-onramp.net

A self-taught artist who never planned to pursue a career in art, Bonnie worked many years as a ranch hand and horse trainer, and relegated artistic endeavors to hobby status. Some experimental drawings of her favorite animals led to the discovery of her gift for portraiture. She accepted a few commissions and realized that there was a future for her in the world of art.

When she is working on a portrait, Bonnie not only encourages client input, she requires it. From her client's photos and ideas she produces a simple line drawing. The drawing is reviewed by her client, before she proceeds to the finished work.

The variety of Bonnie's subjects testifies to her versatility. She has successfully portrayed hunting dogs, horses, wildlife-even people with their animals. Through all her work she demonstrates an unusual ability to achieve a three-dimensional effect by use of colors and contrast. She also excels in the technique of montage, combining images and scenes in one painting that literally tells a story through pictures.

Most of Bonnie's work is done on commission, so the majority of drawings and paintings are seldom seen outside her client's homes. In 1999 she began to create some personal pieces for the print market. Since then she has produced some outstanding examples of wildlife, equine, canine, and western art. She also developed a collection of smaller, black and white prints that become unique originals when she hand colors each individual piece, with lightfast watercolor pencil.

Bonnie's work has been seen in Arena Talk, Pointing Dog Journal, Gun Dog, Nevada Woman, Gray's Sporting Journal, and Sporting Classics.

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