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Philip Fusco
Location: Huntington, Long Island
Phone: 631-673-6640
Email: philsi543@optonline.net

I produced my first oil painting in John Adams High School, where I received the Alexander Art Medal which is given by the City of New York. I then entered Pratt Institute School of Engineering to prepare for a forty-year career in marine engineering.

After a trip to Italy in 1973, my enthusiasm for art was rekindled and I resumed painting in earnest. In recent years, my work depicts realistic scenes of landscapes, partial landscape and portrait, and street scenes. My earlier paintings are the result of my travel in Europe, and now most recently, my travel throughout Long Island. I am a ''Fellow'' of the American Artists Professional League, Inc., New York, NY and a member of the Huntington Arts Council, Huntington, NY.

AWARDS; *2004, Frank C. Wright Medal of Honor, American Artists Professional League, New York, NY * 1999: Best in Show, Brookhaven Arts and Humanities Council, Brookhaven, NY Award of Excellence, Suburban Art League, Nassau County, NY * 1998: Best in Show, Brookhaven Arts and Humanities Council, Brookhaven, NY * 1997: Award of Excellence , Suburban Art League, Nassau County, NY * 1993: Award of Excellence , Suburban Art League, Nassau County, NY * 1976: First Prize - Award of Excellence , Queensboro Society, Queens, NY

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